Cele mai bune replici "de agatat" din filme
Unele sunt siropoase sau pasionale, altele jucause ori chiar impertinente. Dar toate functioneaza daca sunt adresate persoanei potrivite, la momentul oportun. Potrivit complex.com, acestea sunt cele mai inspirate replici de agatat din filme:
Tom Cruise, Jerry Maguire (1996): “Te iubesc. Ma completezi”!/ “I love you. You... complete me."
Jack Lemmon, The Apartment (1960): “Am trait ca un naufragiat, am fost Robinson Crusoe printre 8 milioane de oameni. Dar intr-o zi, am vazut o urma in nisip si acolo erai tu”/ "I used to live like Robinson and Crusoe, shipwrecked among eight million people. But one day I saw a footprint in the sand and there you were."
Groucho Marx, Go West (1940): “Hai sa mergem undeva sa fim singuri. A, se pare ca nu e nimeni pe canapeaua asta”/ "Let's go somewhere we can be alone. Ah, there doesn't seem to be anyone on this couch."
Gerald Butler, PS I love you (2007): “Stiu ce vreau, pentru ca am ce-mi doresc aici, in mainile mele. Te vreau pe tine”/ "I know what I want, because I have it in my hands right now. You."
Will Smith, Hitch (2005): “N-am putut sa nu remarc ca semeni foarte mult cu urmatoarea mea prietena”/ "I couldn't help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend."
Clark Gable, Red Dust (1932): “Te superi daca ma imbat cu tine?”/"Do you mind if I stay here with you?"
Seth Rogen, Knocked Up (2007): “Esti mai draguta decat mine”/"You're prettier than I am."
Albert Brooks, Broadcast News (1987): “As da orice ca tu sa fii doi oameni, ca sa il pot suna pe cel care imi e prieten sa ii povestesc despre cea pe care o plac atat de mult”/ "I would give anything if you were two people, so I could call up the one who is my friend and tell her about the one I like so much."
John Gilbert, Flesh and the devil (1926): “Stii ca atunci cand imi stingi chibritul e doar o invitatie sa te sarut, nu?”/ "You know, when you blow out the match, it's an invitation to kiss you."
Al Pacino, Scarface (1983): “Arati bine. Ai un trup frumos, picioare frumoase, chip frumos, toti barbatii sunt morti dupa tine. Doar ca ai o privire ca si cand n-ai mai avut parte de sex de un an”/ "You're good looking, you got a beautiful body, beautiful legs, beautiful face, all these guys in love with you. Only you've got a look in your eye like you haven't been fucked in a year."
Will Smith, Hitch (2005): “Pe de o parte, e foarte greu pentru un barbat sa vorbeasca cu o femeie care arata ca tine. Dar pe de alta parte, ar trebui sa fie asta o problema?”/ "Now, on the one hand, it is very difficult for a man to even speak to someone who looks like you. But, on the other hand, should that be your problem?"
George Clooney, Intolerable Cruelty (2003): “Sotul tau mi-a spus ca esti cea mai frumoasa femeie pe care a cunoscut-o vreodată. Dar nu ma asteptam sa fii cea mai frumoasa femeie pe care am cunoscut-o eu vreodata”/ "Your husband told me you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, but he didn't say anything about the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen."
John Cusak, The Sure Thing (1985): “Cum ar fi sa ai parte de o partida de sex atat de intensa incat sa-ti schimbe fara intoarcere orientarea politica?”/ "How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense it could conceivably change your political views?"
Andy Garcia, Internal Affairs (1990): “E o rochie frumoasa... unde e restul?”/ "Nice dress. where's the rest of it?"
Russel Crowe, A beautiful Mind (2001): “Nu stiu exact ce se impune sa-ti spun ca sa faci sex cu mine. Putem sa presupunem insa ca am zis toate lucrurile acelea? Adica, in esenta vorbim de un schimb de fluide, nu? Asa ca putem sa facem sex direct?”/ "I don't exactly know what I am required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me. But could we assume that I said all that. I mean essentially we are talking about fluid exchange right? So could we go just straight to the sex?"
Jack Nicholson, As God as it Gets (1997): “Ma faci sa vreau sa fiu un om mai bun”/ "You make me want to be a better man."
Owen Wilson, Wedding Crashers (2005): “Stii ca se spune ca folosim doar 10% din creier? Cred ca folosim tot 10% din inima”/ "You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts."
Ralph Fiennes, The English Patient (1996): “Poti sa iti pierzi controlul. O sa te prind eu”/ "Swoon. I'll catch you."
Bill Murray, Lost in Translation (2003): “Poti sa tii un secret? Incerc sa organizez o evadare. Caut un fel de complice. Intai trebuie sa plecam din barul asta, apoi din hotel, apoi din oras si apoi din tara. Te bagi sau nu?”/ "Can you keep a secret? I'm trying to organize a prison break. I'm looking for, like, an accomplice. We have to first get out of this bar, then the hotel, then the city, and then the country. Are you in or you out?”
Ryan Gosling, The Notebook (2004): “Te vreau. Te vreau pe tine, toata. Pentru totdeauna. Eu si cu tine. In fiecare zi”/ "I want all of you. Forever. Every day."
Oliver Martinez, Unfaithful (2002): "Ochii tai sunt uimitori, stiai? N-ar trebui sa-i inchizi niciodata, nici macar noaptea"./ "Your eyes are amazing, do you know that? You should never shut them, not even at night."
Brad Pitt, Thelma si Louise (1991): Oii fi eu infractor. Dar tu esti cea care mi-a furat inima”/ "I may be the outlaw, but you're the one stealing my heart."
Billy Crystal, When Harry Met Sally (1989): “Cand iti dai seama ca vrei sa-ti petreci restul vietii cu cineva, vrei ca restul vietii tale sa inceapa cat mai curand posibil”/ "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Matthew Perry, Fools Rush In (1997): “Esti tot ceea ce nu stiam ca mi-am dorit dintotdeauna”/ "You're all I did not know I always wanted"
Steve Martin, My Blue Heaven (1990): “Stii, e periculos pentru tine sa stai in zona produselor inghetate, ai putea sa topesti toate lucrurile din jur”/ "You know, it's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. Because you could melt all this stuff."
Clark Gable, Gone With the Wind (1939): "Nu, nu cred ca te voi saruta, desi ai urgent nevoie ca cineva sa o faca. Asta e in neregula cu tine. Ar trebui sa fii sarutata de multe ori si de cineva care stie cum sa o faca bine."/ “No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”
Gary Oldman, Dracula (1992): “Am traversat oceane de timp sa te gasesc”/ "I have crossed oceans of time to find you"
Sean Connery, You only live twice (1967): “Ce cauta o fata draguta ca tine intr-un loc ca asta?”/ "Well now, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"
Tom Cruise, Vanilla Sky (2001): “Vezi tu, avem o mica problema. Ma hartuieste cineva... am nevoie de un scut. Vreau sa te prefaci ca purtam o conversatie splendida si ca te amuzi copios”/ "See, I've got this little problem. I've got a stalker... I need a cover. I need for you to pretend we're having a scintillating conversation, and you are wildly entertained."
Sam Rockwell, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005): “Vrei sa-mi vezi nava spatiala?”/ "Do you want to see my spaceship?"
Groucho Marx, A Day at the Races (1937): “Marita-te cu mine si nu ma voi mai uita niciodata la un cal”/ "But marry me, and I'll never look at any other horse".