Cele mai citate replici din filme celebre. Frazele pe care le folosesc toti fanii in viata de zi
Exista filme vesnice, pe care nu le putem uita. Unele dintre ele contin replici memorabile, pe care multi dintre noi ni le-am insusit. Iata o lista cu cele mai celebre dintre ele. Tu ce alte citate iti mai amintesti?
“Sincer, draga mea, nu ma intereseaza"/ "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" (Pe aripile vantului)
“In sanatatea ta, fetito”/ "Here's looking at you, kid" (Casablanca)
“Vei avea nevoie de o barca mai mare”/ "You're gonna need a bigger boat" (Falci/ Jaws)
“Forta fie cu tine”/ "May the force be with you" (Intoarcerea lui Jedi/ Star Wars Episode VI)
“Toto, am senzatia ca nu mai suntem in Kansas” /"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" (You’re Not in Kansas Anymore)
“Ii voi face o propunere pe care nu va putea sa o refuze”/ "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse" (Godfather)
"Dintre toate barurile din lume trebuia sa intre tocmai in al meu?"/ "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." (Casablanca)
“Cu mine vorbesti?”/ "You talkin' to me?" (Taxi Driver, 1976)
“Nicaieri nu e ca acasa”/ "There's no place like home." (The Wizard of Oz, 1939)
“"Prima regula a Fight Club este: sa nu vorbesti despre FightClub"/ "The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club." (Fight Club, 1999)
“Sunt tatal tau”/ "I am your father." (Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)
“Buna. Numele meu este Inigo Montoya. Mi-ai omorat tatal. Pregateste-te sa mori”/ "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." (The Princess Bride, 1987)
“De ce esti atat de serios?”/ "Why so serious?" (The Dark Knight, 2008)
"Vreau si eu ce a comandat ea"/ "I'll have what she's having." (When Harry Met Sally, 1989)
“Acesta este inceputul unei frumoase prietenii”/ "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." (Casablanca, 1942)
"Vom avea mereu Parisul"/ "We'll always have Paris." (Casablanca, 1942)
“Ma numesc Bond. James Bond”/ "Bond. James Bond." (Dr. No, 1962)
“Vad oameni morti”/ "I see dead people." (The Sixth Sense, 1999)
“Ma voi intoarce”/ "I'll be back." (The Terminator, 1984)
"Nu poti face fata adevarului"/ "You can't handle the truth!" (A Few Good Men, 1992)
“E.T. suna acasa”/ "E.T. phone home." (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982)
"Yippie-ki-yay, motherf—er!" (Die Hard, 1988)
“Catre infinitate si inapoi”/ "To infinity and beyond!" (Toy Story, 1995)
"Houston, avem o problema"/ "Houston, we have a problem." (Apollo 13, 1995)
“M-ai avut la primul buna”/ "You had me at hello" (Jerry Maguire, 1996)
"In baseball nu este loc de lacrimi"/ "There's no crying in baseball!" (A League of Their Own, 1992)
"Iata-l pe Johnny"/ "Here's Johnny!" (The Shining, 1980)
“Sunt serios. Si nu-mi mai spune Shirley”/ "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." (Airplane, 1980)
“Mrs. Robinson, incerci sa ma seduci, nu-i asa?”/ "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?" (The Graduate, 1967)
"Traiti clipa, baieti. Faceti-va vietile extraordinare."/ "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys." (Dead Poets Society, 1989).